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Preparation and Administration of MS-H Vaccine Eyedrops Suspension


This video refers to Vaxsafe MS.  The product is authorised in Europe as MS-H Vaccine Eyedrops Suspension.



This web site is an international website and the following video contains references to product names and other product details (such as thawing times and temperatures) based on International marketing authorisations that may NOT be relevant to MS-H vaccine eye drops suspension in your country. Always refer to your local relevant Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) or product information leaflet for details of authorised instructions for administration, or contact us for further advice. Pharmsure International Ltd and Pharmsure Veterinary Products Europe Ltd do not accept any responsibility for actions regarding their products that are not carried out in compliance with the locally authorised SPC and product information.


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Tel: +44 (0)1526 269069 Email: info@pharmsureinternational.com
Pharmsure Veterinary Products Europe Ltd

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Strand Road

A98 T6H6 
Republic of Ireland

Tel: +353 86 1784658 Email: info.pvpe@pharmsureinternational.com
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Email: pharmacovigilance@pharmsureinternational.com
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